Green Signal Stocks  

How To Get Started
Stock Forecasts - Check Individual Stocks
  1. Click on Get Stock Forecast on the menu bar across the top of the page. Enter any stock symbol (i.e. aapl (Apple Computer).
  2. Please read the Summary. The most important information is the recommendation, which could be one of four (BUY, SELL, OVERBOUGHT or OVERSOLD). To learn more, click on the ? beside each heading.
  3. Study the Historical Accuracy. Observe the % in the Overall, Up and Down columns. These tell you how accurate the program forecasts have been. For example, if the program was 100% accurate on the Upside, that means that every time the program gave a BUY signal, it was correct in its prediction for a given holding period (this is true as well on the downside). Check these for the 3 time periods indicated (1 month, 3 months and 1 year) for the 12 day, 24 day and 48 day holding periods and the weighted, which is the average of these (see the Heading Explanation for further information).
  4. Study Average Gains. These are the average $ figures for the correct predictions per transaction for a given holding period Make sure that before you invest the model was able to generate a profit per average transaction.
  5. Check HISTORICAL PREDICTION on top of the Heading Explanation at the top of the page. This page will provide you with detailed forecasts for the stocks you picked for the last year. Suppose you purchased a stock on June 24, 2005. You can go back to check the program's prediction of how the stock will perform and you can then check how often it was correct in its predictions.
My Portfolios - Track Your Favorite Stocks
  1. In the box labeled "ADD" enter stock symbols separated by a comma. Make sure to spell the symbol correctly. For Canadian stocks, use the extension .TO. The symbol convention is the same as in Yahoo. You would not be able to remove stocks in the "Free Trial" version but you will be able to so in the full version.
  2. For each stock, you can customize what you want to see, i.e. you can use Historical Accuracy and Average Gain for 12 day, 24 day, 48 day holding periods and 1 month, 3 months, etc. (see Heading Explanation for more information).
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Copyright © 2005-2008, Green Signal Stocks. All Rights Reserved.
Site design and maintenance by FDInteractive.
GreenSignalStocks is a statistical forecasting program designed to help investors in making their investment decisions. It does not provide specific recommendations to buy or sell any particular stocks. It only provides an objective statistical evaluation of stock prices and movements. Past historical accuracy of stock price predictions is no guarantee for future success. Investment decisions made by the users of the website do so at their own and sole risk.
 BCON 1.14 +0.11 SRT 19.60 -6.15 BLDP 5.77 +0.45 FRD 9.25 -2.26 IOTN 9.54 +0.85 ORCL 12.62 +0.09 AMAT 16.06 +0.05 EBAY 37.38 +0.31 AAPL 40.70 -0.19 SIRI 5.40 -0.16 SANM 5.11 +0.05 JNPR 21.55 +0.02 BRCD 5.80 -0.08 QCOM 35.83 +0.28 JNPR 21.51 -0.02 SEBL 9.21 -0.25
 BCON 1.14 +0.11 SRT 19.60 -6.15 BLDP 5.77 +0.45 FRD 9.25 -2.26 IOTN 9.54 +0.85 ORCL 12.62 +0.09 AMAT 16.06 +0.05 EBAY 37.38 +0.31 AAPL 40.70 -0.19 SIRI 5.40 -0.16 SANM 5.11 +0.05 JNPR 21.55 +0.02 BRCD 5.80 -0.08 QCOM 35.83 +0.28 JNPR 21.51 -0.02 SEBL 9.21 -0.25